Apply for Funding

Our grants

We offer grants across three categories, in two annual funding rounds that close on 1 March and 1 November. While there is no funding limit on any of our grants, most successful grants are less than $15,000. Each application is assessed on its merits and is funded accordingly. Approved grants may not receive all funding requested. Please note, we do not fund operational or capital costs for other charities or cover financial hardship costs for the treatment of individual animals.


 Research in practice

This grant provides funding for companion animal practice professionals including (but not limited to) veterinarians, veterinary nurses and technicians for projects that meet our objectives. Successful applicants may carry out their project either inside or outside a clinical setting. Project design and supervision is available. 


Human-Animal Bond

This grant is open to suitably qualified applicants who wish to research the human-animal bond.  Projects which tackle the big issues facing New Zealand companion animals will be viewed particularly favourably.

These include but are not limited to:

  • The benefits of companion animals to families
  • Factors affecting animals in society – eg dog bites
  • Management of companion animals when family circumstances change
  • Management of companion cats


This grant is for projects that meet HPNZ objectives but don’t meet the criteria of our other two grants.


  1. To promote and expand public knowledge in New Zealand regarding the welfare, breeding, nutrition, management, health, diseases and performance of companion animals of all types
  2. To encourage by such means as the Trustees consider proper the study and understanding of companion animals in New Zealand and matters relating directly or indirectly thereto.
  3. To foster, promote and undertake to assist, or cause to be undertaken, project or welfare work in connection with companion animals.
  4. To identify, instigate or grant assistance in connection with projects related to advancing the well-being of all companion animals