Cath's Corner November 2021

Research is what allows us to make advancements in veterinary medicine and improve our care of our furry companions. It expands our knowledge base, introduces new ideas, helps with problem solving and encourages curiosity. It can also improve our understanding of topics we think we are already well versed in. It can give us new diagnostics and treatments, but also help us use existing treatments in the best possible way. Research helps us separate fact from opinion.


Our Mission at HPNZ is “to support the generation and distribution of knowledge about companion animal health and wellbeing in New Zealand. We achieve this through providing support for projects investigating companion animal health, informing veterinary professionals about industry developments, and through educating the public around advancements in veterinary medicine.”


HPNZ has funded over 30 studies which have benefited the NZ veterinary community and the animals we treat. The topics have ranged from antimicrobial resistance; novel treatments for cancer & skin disease;  the effectiveness of the NZVA hip & elbow dysplasia schemes; the FIV vaccine; the incidence of diseases like leptospirosis, canine leproid granuloma; hardware store solutions for fracture repairs; and many more.


There is no Government funding for health care research of companion animals, and it is unlikely to appear in future budgets, despite the fact a handful of companion animal Covid infections has reminded us once again of our close link the with the animals we live with. HPNZ aims to be here well into the future to lead the advancement of companion animal health and wellbeing in New Zealand.


We can’t afford not to.


Will you help us?
